Important Cpanel logs
Cpanel installation directory structure
+ 3rdparty/ - tools like fantastico, mailman files are located here
+ addons/ - AdvancedGuestBook, phpBB etc
+ base/ - phpmyadmin, squirrelmail, skins, webmail etc
+ bin/ - cpanel binaries
+ cgi-sys/ - cgi files like cgiemail, formmail.cgi, etc
+ logs/ - cpanel access log and error log
+ whostmgr/ - whm related files
WHM related files
/var/cpanel - whm files
+ bandwidth/ - rrd files of domains
+ username.accts - reseller accounts are listed in this files
+ packages - hosting packages are listed here
+ root.accts - root owned domains are listed here
+ suspended - suspended accounts are listed here
+ users/ - cpanel user file - theme, bwlimit, addon, parked, sub-domains all are listed in this files
+ zonetemplates/ - dns zone template files are taken from here
Common CPanel scripts
cpanel/whm Scripts are located in /scripts/
+ addns - add a dns zone
+ addfpmail - Add frontpage mail extensions to all domains without them
+ addfpmail2 -Add frontpage mail extensions to all domains without them
+ addnetmaskips - Add the netmask to all IPs that have no netmask
+ addnobodygrp - Adds the gorup nobody and activates security
+ addpop - add a pop account
+ addservlets - Add JSP support to an account (requires tomcat)
+ addstatus - (Internal use never called by user)
+ adduser - Add a user to the system
+ bandwidth - (OLD)
+ betaexim - Installs the latest version of exim
+ biglogcheck - looks for logs nearing 2 gigabytes in size
+ bsdcryptoinstall - Installs crypto on FreeBSD
+ bsdldconfig - Configures the proper lib directories in FreeBSD
+ bsdpkgpingtest - Tests the connection speed for downloading FreeBSD packages
+ buildbsdexpect - Install expect on FreeBSD
+ builddomainaddr - (OLD)
+ buildeximconf - Rebuilds exim.conf
+ buildpostgrebsd-dev - Installs postgresql on FreeBSD.
+ chcpass - change cpanel passwords
+ easyapache - recompile/upgrade apache and/or php
+ exim4 - reinstall exim and fix permissions
+ fixcommonproblems - fixes most common problems
+ fixfrontpageperm - fixes permission issues with Front Page
+ fixmailman - fixes common mailman issues
+ fixnamed - fixes common named issues
+ fixndc - fixes rndc errors with named
+ fixquotas - fixes quota problems
+ fullhordereset - resets horde database to a fresh one - all previous user data are lost
+ initquotas - initializes quotas
+ installzendopt - installs zend optimizer
+ killacct - terminate an account - make sure you take a backup of the account first
+ mailperm - fixes permission problems with inboxes
+ park - to park a domain
+ pkgacct - used to backup an account
+ restartsrv - restart script for services
+ restorepkg - restores an account from a backup file ( pkgacct file)
+ runlogsnow - update logs of all users
+ runweblogs - update stats for a particular user
+ securetmp - secures /tmp partition with options nosuexec and nosuid
+ suspendacct - suspends an account
+ unsuspendacct - unsuspends a suspended account
+ upcp - updates cpanel to the latest version
+ updatenow - updates the cpanel scripts
+ updateuserdomains - updates userdomain entries
Important cpanel/whm files
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - apache configuration file
/etc/exim.conf - mail server configuration file
/etc/named.conf - name server (named) configuration file
/etc/proftpd.conf - proftpd server configuration file
/etc/pure-ftpd.conf - pure-ftpd server configuration file
/etc/valiases/domainname - catchall and forwarders are set here
/etc/vfilters/domainname - email filters are set here
/etc/userdomains - all domains are listed here - addons, parked,subdomains along with their usernames
/etc/localdomains - exim related file - all domains should be listed here to be able to send mails
/var/cpanel/users/username - cpanel user file
/var/cpanel/cpanel.config - cpanel configuration file ( Tweak Settings )*
/etc/cpbackup-userskip.conf -
/etc/sysconfig/network - Networking Setup*
/etc/hosts -
/var/spool/exim -
/var/spool/cron -
/etc/resolv.conf - Networking Setup--> Resolver Configuration
/etc/nameserverips - Networking Setup--> Nameserver IPs ( FOr resellers to give their nameservers )
/var/cpanel/resellers - For addpkg, etc permissions for resellers.
/etc/chkserv.d - Main >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager *
/var/run/chkservd - Main >> Server Status >> Service Status *
/var/log/dcpumon - top log process
/root/cpanel3-skel - skel directory. Eg: public_ftp, public_html. (Account Functions-->Skeleton Directory )*
/etc/wwwacct.conf - account creation defaults file in WHM (Basic cPanel/WHM Setup)*
/etc/cpupdate.conf - Update Config *
/etc/cpbackup.conf - Configure Backup*
/etc/clamav.conf - clamav (antivirus configuration file )
/etc/my.cnf - mysql configuration file
/usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini OR /usr/local/lib/php.ini - php configuration file
/etc/ips - ip addresses on the server (except the shared ip) (IP Functions-->Show IP Address Usage )*
/etc/ipaddrpool - ip addresses which are free
/etc/ips.dnsmaster - name server ips
/var/cpanel/Counters - To get the counter of each users.
/var/cpanel/bandwidth - To get bandwith usage of domain
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